UK & Republic of Ireland

Inside Out is unable to provide crisis support. If you or any other person is at risk of harm – please call 999 immediately.

Or use the following resources to get immediate help.

United States

Inside Out is unable to provide crisis support. If you or any other person is at risk of harm – please call 911 immediately.

Or use the following resources to get immediate help.

  • Emergency: 911
  • Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: Call or text 988
  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: +1 (800) 273-8255
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233
  • Crisis Text Line: Text “DESERVE” TO 741-741
  • Lifeline Crisis Chat (Online live messaging):
  • Self-Harm Hotline: 1-800-DONT CUT (1-800-366-8288)
  • Essential local and community services: 211,
  • Planned Parenthood Hotline: 1-800-230-PLAN (7526)
  • American Association of Poison Control Centers: 1-800-222-1222
  • National Council on Alcoholism & Drug Dependency Hope Line: 1-800-622-2255
  • National Crisis Line – Anorexia and Bulimia: 1-800-233-4357
  • LGBT Hotline: 1-888-843-4564
  • TREVOR Crisis Hotline: 1-866-488-7386
  • AIDS Crisis Line: 1-800-221-7044
  • Veterans Crisis Line:
  • TransLifeline: or 877-565-8860


Inside Out is unable to provide crisis support. If you or any other person is at risk of harm – please call 911 immediately.

Or use the following resources to get immediate help.

  • Emergency: 911
    • Recuerde siempre que si usted esta en una situación de emergencia debe comunicarse con los teléfonos: *107 (SAME-Sistema de Atención Medica de Emergencia), *911 (Emergencia policial), para atención telefónica inmediata. Si desea orientación telefónica a familiares y amigos, déjenos su mensaje y teléfono. Nos comunicaremos con usted.
  • Argentina Suicide Hotline: +5402234930430


Inside Out is unable to provide crisis support. If you or any other person is at risk of harm – please call 000 immediately.

Or use the following resources to get immediate help.


Inside Out is unable to provide crisis support. If you or any other person is at risk of harm – please call 911 immediately.

Or use the following resources to get immediate help.


Inside Out is unable to provide crisis support. If you or any other person is at risk of harm – please call 110 immediately.

Or use the following resources to get immediate help.


Inside Out is unable to provide crisis support. If you or any other person is at risk of harm – please call 112 immediately.

Or use the following resources to get immediate help.

  • Emergency: 112
  • Crisis Line: 010 195 202


Inside Out is unable to provide crisis support. If you or any other person is at risk of harm – please call 112 immediately.

Or use the following resources to get immediate help.


Inside Out is unable to provide crisis support. If you or any other person is at risk of harm – please call 112 immediately.

Or use the following resources to get immediate help.

New Zealand

Inside Out is unable to provide crisis support. If you or any other person is at risk of harm – please call 111 immediately.

Or use the following resources to get immediate help.

South Africa

Inside Out is unable to provide crisis support. If you or any other person is at risk of harm – please call 10 111 for police or 10 177 for an ambulance.

Or use the following resources to get immediate help.

  • Emergency: 10 111 for police or 10 177 for an ambulance
  • 24hr Helpline: 0800 12 13 14 or SMS 31393 (and we will call you back)
  • Depression and Anxiety Helpline: 0800 70 80 90


Inside Out is unable to provide crisis support. If you or any other person is at risk of harm – please call 112 immediately.

Or use the following resources to get immediate help.